
Lovely Lace | Bridal Inspiration

Good afternoon my lovelies! I hope you are enjoying this blustery winters day? Maybe you’re just taking it easy at home, day dreaming about your beautiful wedding day plans? So let me share with you some wistful wedding inspiration to further deepen your reverie…

And you can’t get any more dreamy and romantic than lace! There are loads of ways to incorporate this beautiful fabric into your wedding day, whether that’s a full on lace fest or touches of lace in your wedding decor, stationery or dress.

I’m just soooo in love with this lovely lace mood board and hope you are too… enjoy XxX

Lovely Lace | Bridal Inspiration

{Image Credits: Pinterest}

For further lovely lace inspiration, check out my pinterest board from the link above.

Happy Saturday, I hope you’re all cosied up somewhere in a dreamy wedding world…



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