DIY / Tutorial

Doily Wedding Accessories: Decor & Ideas

Doily Wedding Accessories: Decor & Ideas

‘ello lovelies!! It seems the whole wedding world is going la, la for lace right now, and why not?! It’s such a pretty thing to decorate and embellish your wedding with. To take the lace look one step further and more towards a homemade vintage theme and feel, we have DOILIES. Yes, doilies. Crotchet or paper. Used as centrepieces, labels or bunting or maybe even doily inspired wedding dresses and stationery… I think this is one look you’re definitely going to love!

Doily Wedding Accessories: Decor & Ideas{image credits: crotchet wedding dress, DIY doily necklace}

The bride seen below, ACTUALLY made her own wedding dress using a vintage pattern and doilies… wow wow WOW!!

Doily Wedding Accessories: Decor & Ideas{image credits: vintage doilies, doily wedding dress}

Start collecting your vintage doilies by scouring places such as ebay and etsy.

Doily Wedding Accessories: Decor & Ideas{image credits: white and grey doily cake, peach doily cake}

Doily Wedding Accessories, Decor & Ideas{image credits: doily program in drawer, ombre doily stationery}

There’s no reason why you can’t modernise your doily inspired wedding stationery, I love this ombre stationery.

Doily Wedding Accessories: Decor & Ideas{image credits: doily garland, doily garland, doily garland}

Paper doilies are pretty cool too, use them to make garlands, decorate the backs of chairs or attach to washing lines. Genius! Paper doilies can also be dyed in an array of pretty colours. Use the old teabag or coffee trick to obtain a more vintage-y feel.

Doily Wedding Accessories: Decor & Ideas{image credits: DIY heart doily drink labels, DIY doily hearts}

Doily Wedding Accessories, Decor & Ideas{image credits: doily dessert table}

Doliy Wedding Accessories, Decor & Ideas{image credits: coloured doilies, doily drink decorations}

I absolutely adore these crotchet doily runners…

Doliy Wedding Accessories, Decor & Ideas{image credits: vintage doily centrepiece idea}

Here you can find a fab doily runner tutorial by Martha Stewart.

Doily Wedding Accessories, Decor & Ideas{image credits: doily centrepiece idea}

These DIY doily jam jars are prii-tey cute and don’t take that much effort either…

Doily Wedding Accessories, Decor & Ideas{image credits: doily jam jars, doily luminaries}

Or how about transforming a humble string of fairy lights into a lit-up doily hearted garland? LOVE.

Doily Wedding Accessories: Decor & Ideas{image credits: doily fairy lights}

I hope you love this inspiration and plan to use doilies for your wedding decor! Check out these boho lace wedding dresses too, perfect for your doily wedding theme.

  1. We love doilies and use paper doilies with handwritten calligraphy in the centre as beautiful place cards. Doilies make amazing decor at weddings. Come and say hi on twitter! @kalliweddings

  2. simple and elegant – I love the way doilies add that vintage feel

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