
Wedding games: the most original ideas for your party

Your wedding is, among other things, a party! And every party, to be sure, must be fun! The ceremony, whether it is a civil or religious wedding, will be a solemn moment, with strong symbolic connotations but, above all, it will be the moment when you will exchange, along with the rings, your promises (and commitment) of unbreakable love. In short, what you are about to take is an important step, which must be lived with seriousness and full awareness, but which deserves, then, a cheerful and festive celebration, with the friends and relatives you have decided to have beside you on this special day. Your friends, perhaps, will help to make the atmosphere amazing with their jokes and conversation, but you too can do things to create some fun moments, so that everyone looks back on the day with joy.

While marriage rates are going down, there’s no question that thousands of people across the globe are still trying to create the perfect special day. Entertaining guests at the wedding is undoubtedly one of the thorniest topics that brides and grooms face. Everyone fears the same specter – boredom – so it’s important to prepare! Therefore, in this article, we’ll propose some fun and original ideas to add vibrancy to your party. Ready? Let’s start having fun! 

The couple fitness test

One of the most exciting and often entertaining games is undoubtedly the couple fitness test. This is a game that also greatly amuses the guests because, between mistakes and gaffes, laughter is assured! The game consists of this: the bride and groom are seated next to each other, then given two different objects, one to indicate the “she” and one to indicate the “he.” Next come the questions! “Who’s better at cooking?” or “Who’s neater?”… you’ll hear some good ones!

Blind trust

Trust and communication are known to be the foundation of any happy marriage! Being able to communicate smoothly is the basis for avoiding conflict. How to make all this fun? By blindfolding the groom and guiding him along an impassable path of obstacles and pitfalls until he reaches the finish line. The spouse has the arduous task of guiding the groom through reminders and directions. The game is even more fun if the groom has to follow his wife’s directions while riding a baby car, tricycle, or something similar.

Poker fun

Do you and your husband like mind games? Then we have just the game for you, especially if you also like to gamble and kick the adrenaline up a notch! First of all, remember that this is your wedding and if you want to organize a full online poker session for you and all your guests, you can. If that’s not quite your vibe, though, you could organize some playful poker among you and your guests, and see which of you is the best bluffer of the bunch. And if you’re feeling adventurous, you could even have some custom-made cards to commemorate your day, showing the things that matter to you. Sure, “hearts” is going to be the favorite suite at any wedding, but this customization adds a layer of fun, and gives you an amazing keepsake that will forever remind you of your special day – especially if you manage to win the poker tournament!

Sack race

For those unfamiliar with the sack race, it is a special game in which participants must advance with their legs tucked, and often tied, inside a sack – moving via jumping jacks. The one who crosses the finish line first wins. Imagine how fun it would be to see the bridesmaids or uncles and aunts (after a succulent lunch) do a myriad of jumping jacks to gain the victory!

Dart balloon game

Gifts to the bride and groom have been given, but we want more! So listen to this: each guest writes their name and a gift they would like to give on a piece of paper that is tied to an inflated balloon. The gifts we are talking about are clearly gifts of small value. The inflated balloons are then arranged on a bulletin board, like playing darts in bars. It will then be up to the bride and groom to throw the darts, catch the mark, and take home the gift! 

The musical chair… with balloons!

Many of you will have participated in the chair game at middle school birthday parties! This game has always been fun and helps with socialization because you find yourself stomping your feet, shoving, and falling down, just to grab a chair! Well, the principle is the same here, but instead of chairs, there are helium balloons dangling from the ceiling (yes, you can only do it indoors). You inflate as many balloons as the number of guests, minus one, just like the chair arrangement. You cue the music, start dancing, and when the music stops, all the players will have to rush to grab a balloon. Whoever is left without one… out!

What will the bride and groom do from now on?

Guests, you will be the ones who have to organize this game! Think of a series of sentences left unfinished, to be completed according to your and the other guests’ imagination. The sentences should relate to events in the future lives of the bride and groom, such as, “The first thing the bride and groom will do this evening will be…”, “Their first child will be named…”, or “When Raphael comes home, he loves…” Print out slips of paper and distribute them randomly among the guests. Ask them to be original and write the continuation of the sentence written on the slip of paper. Once they have been filled out, you will go through and collect these notes and hand them to the bride and groom, who will have to read them aloud in front of everyone. We assure you that the responses and jokes made by the guests will generate an inordinate amount of laughter and yes… even a little embarrassment!

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