
Bridal Make-up Tutorial: Modern Vintage | Eyeliner + Lips

Happy Friday lovelies! Over the last few weeks, I’ve been asking for your feedback on this here wedding blog and what lovely feedback you’ve been giving too!

One of the requests that came back most frequently was… you’d love to see more beauty features on the Want That Wedding blog, and well, you’ll be rather pleased to know that, talented bridal makeup artists, Pamela and Andrea will be running a series of bridal make-up tutorials and tips to help you look your absolute best on the big day.

Today’s post is all about creating that gorgeously iconic vintage look, focusing on the eyes and lips, yet bringing the look up to date to create a modern vintage look. Gorgeous pouts and fluttery lashes at the ready ladies…

Bridal Make-up Tutorial: Modern Vintage | Eyeliner + Lips
Bridal Make-up Tutorial: Modern Vintage | Eyeliner + Lips

Our modern take on a pin up vintage look is still focusing on fluttery lashes and bold lips but with a nod to 2014 spring/summer trends as seen on the Dsquared2 catwalk.

Unlike the 1950’s flawless matte skin, we are opting for a semi matte radiant finish. To achieve this, choose a medium coverage glowly foundation and apply all over the face starting from the t-zone out. Make sure to blend well round the hair and jaw line. Conceal with a highly pigmented concealer, apply it to the darkened areas of the face, blemishes, shadows, scars, around the nose or any imperfections your foundation doesn’t cover.

As we are mainly focusing on the eyes and lips in this look we do not need a dramatic blush so pick a cheek colour which is similar to the colour you go after a little exercise. Apply cheek colour very lightly on the apples of your cheeks. Finish the skin off with a mineral powder that contains mother of pearl which will leave your skin with a fresh soft focused look.

Bridal Make-up Tutorial: Modern Vintage | Eyeliner + Lips
Bridal Make-up Tutorial: Modern Vintage | Eyeliner + Lips

Getting the perfect eye liner is key to achieving this look and versions of this have been seen on spring/summer 2014 runways by Dennis Basso and Tracey Reese. Don’t worry, its not as hard as you think, just follow our easy steps below! You will need two angled eyeliner brushes, eye liner in black or in brown if you desire a softer look and some moisturiser.

• Take your angled brush and dip it into your gel eyeliner, apply an ample amount to the brush and then use the back of your hand to create a canvass to mould the tip of the brush into a sharp point.

• Using your brush, make a line from the outer corner of your eye. This line will determine the size of your flick, repeat this step NOW on the other eye to ensure they are even. Pull your eye taut to get a smooth straight line.

• Join up the liner that goes on top of your eye to the line you created on the outer corner. Fill in any gaps with more eyeliner, if you feel you need a sharper flick or have made a mistake, use a clean angled brush with a little moisturiser on it and use this as an eraser.

Once you have your perfect flicked eyeliner that suits your eye shape, apply another 2014 spring trend by sweeping a neutral iridescent shadow across the eye lid.

The essential part of a vintage look is eyelashes! Most vintage looks use strip lashes which are great but are hard to control and can go very wrong! With individual lashes you can control exactly how you want your lashes to look and they are a lot easier to apply. We suggest adding a couple on the outer corners for a more natural fluttery effect.

Bridal Make-up Tutorial: Modern Vintage | Eyeliner + Lips
Bridal Make-up Tutorial: Modern Vintage | Eyeliner + Lips

For a twist on the classic red lip follow the latest lip colour trend by using a vibrant orange instead. To achieve a perfectly balanced lip liner make 2 dots on the points of the cupids bow on your upper lip. Connect the dots by drawing a V using short feathery lines and light strokes.

Draw a line from each dot to the corner of the upper lip then draw a small arc on the center of your bottom lip line directly under the cupids bow. Again using short feathery light strokes, draw a line from the corners of your lower lip, this will give you perfect results every time. Fill in the lip colour with your matching orange lipstick.

Absolutely brilliant advice from the ladies. I adore the modern twist on the vintage look by replacing bright red lips with a bold pop of orange. If you are a bit of a scaredy-pants however, try staining your lips with a small amount of orange or peach and top it with gloss or vaseline. You can play around with this look and build it up to your desired strength.

Start practicing these tips now and you’ll be looking picture perfect in time for your big day.

Please do keep an eye out for more helpful bridal tutorials from panda make-up and if you have any bridal beauty questions you’d like to ask, just leave a request in the comments section below and who knows, we could be covering that topic very soon.

Happy weekend my loves, hope it’s a good one!

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